I love and admire the way you can simply write without the fully formed idea and just conjure up such breathtaking imagery and mystery in a single scene, Nathan.

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Thanks, Clancy. Appreciate it.

And yeah, haha, I have to get my thrills somehow...

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I just got an image of you writing “rectangular intrusion” and seething with a perverse pleasure…

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Hahaha. Pretty close to the truth. ;)

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This is great, Nathan. It very much reminded me, in its style of writing and storytelling of The Gunslinger by Stephen King which has the opening line “The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed”

Your opening line “The carriage moved under a searing sun and its wheels broke across ground blackened from the long blister of days” is just as enticing and intriguing to make me want to keep reading more of this story

Brilliantly done 👍🏼

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We have a strong connection, Dan ;) When I was about to hit publish, I considered adding an additional footnote saying "Actually, rereading this makes me think of King's opening to The Gunslinger" (one of my favourite books, by the way; although, Wizard and Glass takes the top spot from the series for me). But then I thought "hmm, maybe I won't say anything and see if Dan says something!" And you did!

Thanks so much for your kind words, Dan.

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Glad I didn’t disappoint you Nathan 😁

It definitely feels like a story belonging in Mid-World so looking forward to what comes next

Wizard and Glass is my favourite of the series too and along with Drawing of the Three, the strongest when it comes to story telling. I think it loses its way after Wizard although it was good to see Father Callahan from Salems Lot in Wolves of the Calla. Be interesting to see how they portray him in this Salems Lot movie 👍🏼

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Yes, same thoughts. Drawing of the Three is superb. Ahhh, I really want to reread those now.

Also, watched the trailer for Salem's Lot the other day. Fingers crossed it's a good one!

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It’s been delayed for ages, which is never a good sign, but I guess we’ll see. Mike Flanagan is supposedly adapting The Dark Tower for Amazon so hopefully that’ll turn out good. He’s also got an adaptation of King’s The Life of Chuck coming out soon which is meant to be great so I’ll need to catch that as well 👍🏼

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Yes I’ve heard good rumblings about The Life of Chuck.

If anyone could actually pull off The Dark Tower, it’s Flanagan.

I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the film adaptation when it came out. The trailers made it look so so so so bad.

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I thought Idris Elba did OK as Roland despite the predictable outcry, but the rest of the movie was just awful. Flanagan has already said that his story will begin with, “The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed,” so fingers crossed 🤞

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"Man in robes"! that scene gave me a good chuckle, intended or not, of this otherwise exquisitely mysterious vignette. Like Dan, I got Gunslinger vibes. This can easily become a full-length novel should you so wish.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

Very happy to have elicited those vibes! 🤗

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Sep 13Liked by Nathan Slake

"...a hand shot out from a hidden fold and the hand was clenched into a fist, the skin so pale it looked as though it had never seen a single day. The pale fist unfurled and the hand rotated so the palm was to the sky with each finger splayed wide." For heaven's sake, Nathan! This is WONDERFUL writing. You had me standing as witness, holding my breath, right in front of this hand. You don't know what this fragment is and neither do I, but it is vivid and captivating. I won't forget the feeling it evoked for a long time. ( However, the image I had in my own mind, was far better than the AI drawing.)

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Aw, thanks so much Sharron, that's lovely.

And yes, it was a real struggle to find any kind of image and I was in a bit of a hurry so I ended up settling for that one. Thankfully, the mind's eye is a better artist!

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It sounds like a continuation should be brewing! A sublime exploration of your imagination. Jend - what a curious name!

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Thanks, Nadia.

One of those names where you just know it's the correct name when you write it down.

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Sep 13Liked by Nathan Slake

More, Please. Beautiful opening scene, Nathan. No pressure, one morning you will awaken with the next chapter and we will be waiting.

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Thanks, Jim!

I hope that one morning the story will indeed be there.

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It's a truly cinematic opening with so much sensory detail that we've all come to know and love from your work. I look forward to seeing where this one will lead you...

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Thanks, Ben.

Me too. I just wonder whether there are actual answers inside that cart...

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Just keep tossing handfuls of seeds and see what takes hold. 🌱

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Sep 12Liked by Nathan Slake

I'm so captured by the description of cloth the colour of "the dying sea"—is it sandy? Greyish? Some sort of flat, salty blue?

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Heh, yes, all of these, whichever fits the image your mind wants to settle on. ;)

In all seriousness, the ambiguity is currently deliberate.

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Sep 13Liked by Nathan Slake

And much appreciated. !

I reckon that one's going to keep rattling around, thanks for the (another) brainworm!

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A prisoner cart making its way across the world. Why is Jend imprisoned? What did he do? The mystery is real.

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Thanks Joseph. A mystery I hope to unravel.

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Absolutely gorgeous, Nathan! So full of subtleties and nuances. And the mystery. I loved your outro, especially footnote 3. "The robed man spat, the glob of moisture accepted by the ground." -- so crude yet so marvellously crafted. You're one of the most efficient writers I know; in a simple phrase with few words you are able to convey the world. Brilliant.

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Thanks so much, Silvio. Efficiency was certainly what I was striving for here (and in general, most of the time).

So pleased you enjoyed. :)

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Sep 15Liked by Nathan Slake

Love a good disembodied hand. And that picture! Three wheels, why not? :)

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Thanks, Troy!

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Nathan you are an incredible conjurer of scene, I almost jumped when I read "a hand shot out from a hidden fold and the hand was clenched into a fist, the skin so pale it looked as though it had never seen a single day." this is going to be good! I'm not sure why the theme tune to Once upon a time in America is playing on repeat in my head though?

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Oooh, I like it. I shall have to reread with that playing!

Thanks so much for reading, Susie. I'm sorry my own inbox reading is behind, I have several of your posts on my list. 🤗

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Sep 14Liked by Nathan Slake

Oh yes, footnote 3!!!

And before finishing I was certain this was one of your wild dreamscapes. Nevertheless, your writing turns reality and dream into a puréed delight.

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Perhaps that's where it came from but I simply didn't remember!

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Wonderful writing, Nathan.

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Thank you, Jeffrey.

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Oh, God, wut? This is amazing. More!!!

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Hehe, thanks Andrei!

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Very atmospheric, cinematic. It reminded me of a scene from one of the Hammer Dracula films. I like the name 'Jend'.

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Thanks, Terry. Happy to hear it elicited such visuals.

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