Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Nathan Slake

Poetic prose, bravo Nathan. Many wonderful passages, the imagery is beautifully done, "their many needles like downcast lashes." You also pick up images from the previous piece, sensory linking that is deeply satisfying: "By now, the old man would be standing, lifting the suitcase with his aged hands, the worn leather enjoying its separation from the surface of the platform."

And I had to restack this: "And she winked, a brief lid enclosing that orb of liquid jade from which she drank the world." So I did.

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This is magical writing, Nathan. It’s like poetry floating upon the crest of a dream carrying you to some unknown destination that can only be imagined in those first waking seconds when the real world hasn’t imposed its will on us yet. Truly wonderful

Two passages stand out for me :-

"Were you elsewhere?" she asked, letting go.

"Shall I wait for you?" And she winked, a brief lid enclosing that orb of liquid jade from which she drank the world.”


There is some distant, outer part of me that holds to a belief we still meander along that path from the station, that nothing happened thereafter, that, with Emmi, I am sustained beneath an endless and repeating wave, time's meaningless advance uncaring of our imposition.”

These are like the images and memories that stay with us about people who we may only have known for a short time but will always have a place in our heart.

Brilliantly done 👍🏼

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I just love this. It's not just the way the narrative is progressing; it's the words themselves and these threads of memory/ghosts/dreams. I feel like you are diving into some unexplored space in your brain (or unpublished) and sharing it with us.

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Beautifully written, Nathan, an extended prose poem in fact.

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I loathe to use the word because it can be so vague, but, I adore the energy of this series. It feels animist, in a way. “Pine needles like downcast lashes” (heaven, by the way) and “baubles drooping eagerly” fill the place with so much life, so much enchantment, just as Emmi does… It’s enchanted and mysterious and ever so slightly melancholy… so, all my favourite things!! Most grateful to have the pleasure of reading it, Nathan 🙏

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This is such lush, mystical prose, Nathan. When I read it I fall into a kind of trance state. It feels like it's going somewhere without moving at all. There's no impatience in reading to know what happens next because the experience of reading it is like breathing. I'm not sure how you do it. It's a fantastic trick.

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I loved this line: '“It meets you in dreams,” she said, stopping to cradle a flower, the pink baubles drooping eagerly into her palm."

Generally, I love that the Sernox keeps coming. Looking forward to the next installment!

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Adult fairy tale - that's what I'm thinking so far, but I suppose it all depends on what the Sernox is, and what happens to Emmi... 🐉

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Another intriguing, beautifully crafted installment. ““Do you dream?” she soon asked.

I thought to say the truth, that each night there came with it a hell, a terror that swept through my mind, and how, until the morning light could burn away its haze, I wept with fear at all I had seen.” I love how you offer hints to your characters’ lives but let us guess and wonder...

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“...that orb of liquid jade from which she drank the world.” Just wonderful. Thanks for posting this Nathan! I can’t wait to see where this fits into the larger story.

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Do you know the pleasure of reading words so beautifully rendered, that you immediately return to the beginning, and read them again? I do.

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OK, part 3 slowed down the walk into mystery, a little bit. I hope the mystery and the slight potential to have a supernatural mystery continues. I'm OK if it is not supernatural but involves aliens...

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Maaan, this was good! Though, and I hope this in no way insinuates this story is any less good, as it’s not meant to, reading The Sernox really makes me miss Brae! I can’t wait for the next installment.

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This is beautiful prose, and I’m completely gripped! I’m so excited to continue to read as this art appears to you💫

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"In the minutes before, she told me of her desire, how she had travelled to find the world’s myths, to see and catalogue and believe them all." - I love love love that. There is some truth in each myth. To immortalize it is a beautiful thing. PS: I adore your new logo!

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This is very special, Nathan. The prose is beyond compare and the feeling is magical yet portending.

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