I was/am the same. I just switched to weaker caffeination (still in espresso form) so I can do the third cup :)
I feel like caffeine gives me borrowed energy and I pay for it later in the day. But I do love it. I think a lot of it is the ritual like Nathan describes. I've quit for some amounts of time, but even with the benefit of quitting, I enjoy it so much that I think it is (personally) worth it!
It's awesome how we both started our Substacks on the same month (I started my journey in the end of January). It must be bittersweet to you to say goodbye to your students and to not be teaching for the few months. But you'll have plenty of time to rest, recharge, read, and write. You're the pool on inspiration, it's all within you. Don't worry about coffee being that source of inspiration. It's all you! Whatever you'll grace us with, we'll be happy to read and support you!
I bought High Mountain (Chinese Green Tea). Very good. Almost finished, so I am back to coffee every other day. It's not the tea or coffee though, it's ... ah but I can't tell you. You will see and with the semester done, there is ample opportunity for Dreams and Brae, words are all the caffeine you need!
"Words are all the caffeine you need." print it, hang it, live it.
High Mountain, yes, specific green tea. Expensive. 294 Euro/kg. I bought 100g. One teaspoon will make up to 7 infusions. First is so potent after 2 mins it's crazy. 7th get's quite mellow, after that I feel it loses too much flavour to qualify as tea. I bought it at a Tea Shop in Paris. Or you could go with what Samuel Carter drinks.
Here we go, you're the first person worldwide to get a snippet from The Chronicles of Samuel Carter:
She winked at him and took a sip. “I hope you like Oolong. It’s Tie Luo Han, created by a mighty warrior monk with golden-bronze skin, so the legend goes.” She was watching Samuel over the rim of her cup.
Enjoyed reading this. Many thoughts on it but too tired to write anything but garble just now. What I do feel compelled to say tho: Have you watched the danish film Druk? It is absolutely , completely brilliant. Possibly the best, most powerful film I’ve ever seen. Really worth watching. And yes it’s sort of relevant to your post!
Thanks Emma. Now that's how you sell someone on a film without telling them anything about it! I'm intrigued as to how it's relevant and so I shall seek it out. Thanks!
Sorry! It’s about a group of disillusioned middle aged teachers who test a theory of being a bit drunk the whole time. It gets extreme. It’s very very clever interesting and beautiful. Everyone should watch it! I think you’d love it, anyone with poetry in their soul and thought ramblings along the lines of yours would! And the last scene is sooooo sooo soooo good. The whole film is just brilliant. You’ll see!
I gave up my second cup of tea (which was really, really important for afternoon work!) and it was hard for a few days after which it got better. There’s light at the end of the caffeine tunnel!
I've got a little insulated mug that is good for sipping, because I tend to be sad when it's over so soon, but yours is great thinking to actually take advantage of that.
Oof, coffee. Such a demanding mistress! I’m down to two cups a day, but that third is always nagging me.
What were your initial goals with quitting coffee? Did you feel like it was burning you out? Or just wanted a change.
Either way, cheers to the approaching summer - there will be stories for you to write and for me to read!
I was also two, sometimes three.
Multiple reasons, really. It was definitely creating some bad patterns, plus if I caved and bought during work then the $$ was adding up.
I don't think I'd be so bothered if I didn't think it really did tap me closer to something in the morning.
I'm enjoying tea for now though, mixing it up between green and English breakfast when I wake up.
Also agree about this morning creativity rush with coffee...
There's nothing like it.
(Well, I guess there might be other things 🤔😅)
I was/am the same. I just switched to weaker caffeination (still in espresso form) so I can do the third cup :)
I feel like caffeine gives me borrowed energy and I pay for it later in the day. But I do love it. I think a lot of it is the ritual like Nathan describes. I've quit for some amounts of time, but even with the benefit of quitting, I enjoy it so much that I think it is (personally) worth it!
Hah, totally agree. Every time I come back to coffee after quitting, I love it even more. Hopeless!
I'm sure this is going to be me, too. I enjoy it too much. It'll be all the more enjoyable when I return.
It's awesome how we both started our Substacks on the same month (I started my journey in the end of January). It must be bittersweet to you to say goodbye to your students and to not be teaching for the few months. But you'll have plenty of time to rest, recharge, read, and write. You're the pool on inspiration, it's all within you. Don't worry about coffee being that source of inspiration. It's all you! Whatever you'll grace us with, we'll be happy to read and support you!
Ah I didn't realise! Snap. How awesome.
Thanks Nadia. 🤗 That's lovely to say.
Thoughts and prayers for your imminent withdrawal, Nathan! The Dark Side will be here when you're ready to come back. ☕
Always love your comments, Troy.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Everyone can have an errant thought.
Return to your friend. ☕️
Hehe. I shall, I shall. Soon...
I bought High Mountain (Chinese Green Tea). Very good. Almost finished, so I am back to coffee every other day. It's not the tea or coffee though, it's ... ah but I can't tell you. You will see and with the semester done, there is ample opportunity for Dreams and Brae, words are all the caffeine you need!
I've been enjoying my dabbles into green tea. Is that a specific type, or a brand?
"Words are all the caffeine you need." I love this!
Have you tried matcha powder?
A long time ago. I do quite like it, but I wasn't sure if it was too close to coffee for caffeine levels. I'll go take a look.
"Words are all the caffeine you need." print it, hang it, live it.
High Mountain, yes, specific green tea. Expensive. 294 Euro/kg. I bought 100g. One teaspoon will make up to 7 infusions. First is so potent after 2 mins it's crazy. 7th get's quite mellow, after that I feel it loses too much flavour to qualify as tea. I bought it at a Tea Shop in Paris. Or you could go with what Samuel Carter drinks.
Here we go, you're the first person worldwide to get a snippet from The Chronicles of Samuel Carter:
She winked at him and took a sip. “I hope you like Oolong. It’s Tie Luo Han, created by a mighty warrior monk with golden-bronze skin, so the legend goes.” She was watching Samuel over the rim of her cup.
Sneak preview!
Wow, did not know of such an expensive tea. Good job it can be used 7x over per teaspoon. I'm going to look into this.
My wife actually orders some tea from a special shop we found in Paris back in 2019. Perhaps they stock it too for our next shipment.
If not, let me know. Happy to send you some.
You have a talented gift of bringing us into that journey too mate. Lol at thought this would be mainly for dreams. Look how well I don't write 😆
Too kind mate, thank you.
The journey! Yes, yes, yes to all of it. But easier said than done of course.
and therein lies the fun, I hope!
Enjoyed reading this. Many thoughts on it but too tired to write anything but garble just now. What I do feel compelled to say tho: Have you watched the danish film Druk? It is absolutely , completely brilliant. Possibly the best, most powerful film I’ve ever seen. Really worth watching. And yes it’s sort of relevant to your post!
Thanks Emma. Now that's how you sell someone on a film without telling them anything about it! I'm intrigued as to how it's relevant and so I shall seek it out. Thanks!
Sorry! It’s about a group of disillusioned middle aged teachers who test a theory of being a bit drunk the whole time. It gets extreme. It’s very very clever interesting and beautiful. Everyone should watch it! I think you’d love it, anyone with poetry in their soul and thought ramblings along the lines of yours would! And the last scene is sooooo sooo soooo good. The whole film is just brilliant. You’ll see!
Oh, oh, yes yes I've seen it and it's brilliant! Amazing film. So good.
I'd forgotten that was the name of it.
(And sorry, I didn't mean for you to have to write it out haha, I genuinely meant you made me intrigued with that hook of a line 😁)
No worries! Ahhhh glad you’ve seen it. Isn’t it! :)
Aha, the English title of it. Yes.
Such a great film.
Another round is the name of it in English
I gave up my second cup of tea (which was really, really important for afternoon work!) and it was hard for a few days after which it got better. There’s light at the end of the caffeine tunnel!
Good to hear Priya, thanks.
That second cup in the afternoon... the boost! Yes, I know that feeling well.
Thanks Garrett.
Love the hack and process there. That's so good.
I've got a little insulated mug that is good for sipping, because I tend to be sad when it's over so soon, but yours is great thinking to actually take advantage of that.